Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Institusi Kekeluargaan: Ibarat Telur Dihujung Tanduk


Hari ini, Alhamdulillah saya ada sedikit kelapangan. Mengisi kelapangan tersebut sambil membaca hampir ke semua surat khabar di perpustakaan. Tiba-tiba saya terlihat artikel berkenaan titah Baginda Raja Muda Perak. Baginda menzahirkan kebimbangan tentang kadar penceraian yang semakin meningkat. Statistik daripada Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara, JPN pada tahun 2002, penceraian dikalangan bukan Islam adalah sebanyak 2706, pada tahun 2009 pula adalah sebanyak 5647 kes. Statistik daripada JAKIM pula, pada tahun 2002, kes penceraian dikalangan orang Islam adalah sebanyak 13,397 kes, pada tahun 2009 pula 27 116 kes, peningkatan sebanyak 102%. Secara keseluruhan, pada tahun lepas 82% kes penceraian adalah melibatkan orang Islam.

Jesteru, apa isunya disini..???

Memetik kata-kata Sheikh Hassan Al-Banna, " Asas bagi sesebuah masyarakat adalah keluarga"..Ibarat rumah, rosak asas (foundation) rumah tersebut , belum sempat naik bumbung dah runtuh. Begitu jugak bagi negara kita Malaysia. Asas negara adalah masyarakat yang menjadi warganegara. Asas pada masyarakat adalah keluarga. Rosak keluarga, rosaklah masyarakat. Rosak masyarakat, hancurlah negara. Dalam kita sibuk mengejar habuan ekonomi, kebahagian hidup berkeluarga terpaksa kita korbankan.

Berbaloikah begitu...???......renungkan

Statistik daripada pihak polis, kes juvana (jenayah melibatkan pesalah bawah umur) meningkat sebanyak 20% daripada 5114 kes pada 2007 kepada 6048 pada 2009. Selain itu, kesalahan jenayah seperti rogol, rompakan bersenjata, etc meningkat daripada 1662 kes kepada 2394 kes dalam tempoh yang sama. Lebih mengejutkan, kanak-kanak berumur 7 hingga 10 pun turut terlibat dalam jenayah mencuri, merompak dan merogol.

Bayangkan, budak-budak darjah satu merogol. Akil baligh pun tidak lagi dah pandai merogol. Bayangkan budak darjah 2 merompak. Sifir 2x2 pun tak habis hafal dah pandai merompak. Bayangkan budak2 ini menghabiskan zaman persekolahan di sekolah pemulihan seperti Sekolah Henry Gurney. Bayangkan, habis tempoh tahanan, tanpa kelulusan akademik, tanpa kemahiran, yang ada hanya rekod jenayah ke mana mereka hendak pergi. Bayangkan pekerjaan apakah yang boleh mereka lakukan.


Berikut adalah artikel daripada New Straits Times, moga2 menjadi ingatan pada kita semua.


Alarming collapse of family unit

IPOH: The Raja Muda of Perak, Raja Dr Nazrin Shah, yesterday expressed concern over the alarming divorce rate among Muslims and non-Muslims alike, and the rising number of crimes involving youngsters over the last few years.

He said that the increase in these two areas was due to the breakdown in the family institution and the collapse in the practice of correct moral values.

Calling on Malaysians to pay greater attention to what was happening around them, he said emphasis must be on disseminating correct moral values and strengthening the family institution to tackle rising divorce and crime rates.

"The rising trends showed the collapse of moral values and the fragility of the family institution.

"These are due to urbanisation, negative culture, an uncurbed entertainment industry, poverty and also the feeling of being sidelined from the rapid development around them.

"These are among the factors that have become the causes of the limping and faltering society of today," he said at the opening of the 173rd conference of the Perak Malay Customs and Islamic Religious Council (MAIAMP) here, yesterday.

Raja Dr Nazrin said statistics provided by police showed juvenile crimes had increased by 20 per cent from 5,114 in 2007 to 6,048 in 2009.

In the same period, violent crimes such as rape, outraging of modesty and armed robbery increased from 1,662 to 2,394 cases.

"Most shocking is that children between the ages of 7 and 10 were also involved in stealing, robbing and rape.

"The rate of divorce is also higher than the percentage of marriages.

"While marriages recorded an increase of 21 per cent, from 153,318 in 2002 to 199,586 in 2009, the rate of divorces rose by 105 per cent from 16,016 to 32,763 during the same period.

"The rate of divorce is rising alarmingly. In 2002, the ratio of divorces to marriages was 1:9.6, which increased to 1:6.1 last year.

"In 2002, the National Registration Department registered 2,706 divorces among non-Muslim spouses. This increased to 5,647 last year."

Raja Dr Nazrin said the statistics provided by the Department of Islamic Development saw divorces rising by 102 per cent between 2002 and last year, from 13,397 to 27,116.

"This means that last year, 82 per cent of the total divorces took place among Muslim spouses."

Raja Dr Nazrin stressed the younger generation needed help to develop their potential.

The line of communication between generations should be simplified and expanded so that any communication gap could be narrowed, he pointed out.

"I call on the various discussion workshops to spark new ideas, to propose innovative programmes to strengthen the family institution, to instil good moral values and close the communication gap between the generations.

"It is my intention and hope to see the participation of young people in the discussion workshops.

"The younger generation should be given the space to enable them to create new ideas in an open and frank manner."

Read more: Alarming collapse of family unit http://www.nst.com.my/nst/articles/23drs/Article/#ixzz12nSbnrsf